Admissions Policy



It is the aim of the admissions process to ensure that parents understand and support the school’s mission and aims. It is also important that parents understand the curriculum, teaching pedagogy and examinations system adopted by the school. The school aims to admit only children that it feels will benefit from its challenging programmes and who will embrace facilitated learning.

Admissions Policy and Procedures

  • Children are admitted to the school from the age of 3.6 in 1st October for Foundation 1 (Pre-K accept children able to walk and potty trained )
  • Children are admitted to the Pre-K from the age of 2.6 in 1st September (must be able to walk and potty trained )
  • Admissions are taken throughout the year, applications accepted depending on availability although the main admissions process for the new school year is opened in January
  • Details about the admissions process can be found on the school’s website
  • Admissions are determined by the Heads of Key Stage for 1 and 2 together with the Head of Student Affairs and the school counsellor
  • For Key Stages 3-5 admissions are determined by the school Director, Head of Key Stage and the Head of Student Affairs. Candidate students will sit an online assessment and may also be asked to display their written and comprehension skills in English
  • Parents have the right of appeal to the admissions committee by sending their objections to the school by email. The decision of the admissions committee is final
  • The admissions committee consists of the School Director, the Head of Key Stage, the Head of Student Affairs, and a representative of the Board.
  • Prospective students will be given a date for the admissions testing
  • On the same day, parents and child will be interviewed by the Head of Key Stage or School Director
  • Candidates will be chosen based on motivation, academic performance, English and maths ability, good conduct, good moral character, international mindedness and the ability to bring positive qualities to the Kipling community
  • Parents will be informed of the school’s decision by telephone within one week of assessment.
  • Assessments results will not be shared with parents

Criteria for admission

Each candidate’s application materials are carefully studied in order to assess suitability for admission. We look for candidates in KS1 and above:

  • who are, and whose parents are, committed to the Kipling vision, mission and philosophy
  • who are motivated and determined
  • whose academic performance is average to excellent
  • whose conduct is good overall, and who are respectful to others
  • who are internationally-minded
  • who would benefit from the School’s curriculum
  • whose qualities would enrich the School’s community and be a positive contribution to it

**The School Director/Head of Key Stage has the right to accept or refuse any applicant based on their assessment of the applicant’s suitability.

Year Placement

In general, students will be placed according to their age on September 1st of their year of entry. Where it is considered to be of benefit to the student, he/she may be placed in a lower year than requested. Only under exceptional circumstances and with approval of the Ministry of Education will a student be placed in a higher year than his/her age group. In these cases, the cut-off date may be extended to December 31st . Factors to be considered for such a placement include:

  • The cut-off date in the child’s country of origin (Kipling aims to avoid situations in which children will be penalised on return to their home country, where possible);
  • The child’s successful completion of the equivalent year elsewhere;
  • A transcript or report cards from the previous year demonstrating exceptional academic performance and social skills.

If a student is placed in a year higher than his/her age-group, the parents are clearly informed that this initial placement is tentative, and that the school may advise a change of year after the student’s abilities have been thoroughly observed. Any change of year would normally take place within the first two months after the student’s entry into the school.

Requirements for specific years

Certain specific requirements apply to three categories of students:

  • All children entering Early Years must be toilet trained
  • Any student wishing to enter Grade 10 must have completed the first year of all courses they wish to study for IGCSE and the school must be offering all the subjects they have already studied
  • To enter Grade 11 students must have completed a minimum of five IGCSEs at grade C
  • The school does not accept students into Grade 12

Applicants with specific needs

Learning support is available for students who are struggling in English; candidates are accepted into this programme at the discretion of the School Director.

Required Application Documents

  • Parents should complete an online application form, submit a copy of the application to the admission office attached with a recent photo , soft copy of ID for mother and father and an original birth certificate ( new version with national number on it )
  • Copies of the last two school reports and/or transcripts where applicable

Required Documents (after acceptance)

  • Copies of the last two school reports and/or transcripts where applicable
  • 12 passport photos
  • Original birth certificate
  • Transfer paper if coming from another school in Egypt must be stamped by the school and the Ministry of Education
  • If coming from outside Egypt the last report card must be translated into Arabic and stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • For Key Stage 1 students must have a vaccination certificate.

Bullying is behaviour that:

  • Deliberately makes another person feel uncomfortable, distressed or threatened
  • Is repeated over time
  • Makes those being bullied feel powerless to defend themselves
  • Can include racist, sexist or homophobic behaviour

Bullying may take many forms, such as

  • physical: for example, hitting, pushing, kicking
  • name-calling and verbal abuse: face-to-face, in writing, by phone, on-line or by text message
  • making racist, sexist or gender-based comments, jokes or graffiti
  • making threats
  • taunting or mocking
  • spreading rumours
  • making jokes to make someone look ‘small’
  • shutting out a person
  • ganging up on someone
  • refusing to cooperate with someone
  • hiding equipment or other possessions
  • demanding money

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying refers to the use of (mobile) technology as a media for any of the

purposes above. Bullying via social networks, emails and texts will addressed

according to the same procedures as any other form of bullying in the school

Guidance and advice


Kipling works to combat bullying by teaching pupils about bullying and appropriate

  • strategies to combat bullying through
  • weekly tutorial sessions and PSHE lessons
  • regular whole school and class assemblies
  • older children supporting younger children as playtime ‘buddies’
  • displays of appropriate work
  • students given opportunities to take leadership as prefects, house captains and
  • school Council representatives
  • Positive reinforcement of behaviour through praise, house points and merits for demonstrating positive social skills

Students will understand the various roles within bullying cycles and how to act:


  • always tell someone that you trust (an adult or friend)
  • remember you are not the one who is acting incorrectly.
  • inform the bully that they are acting inappropriately, and you would like them to stop
  • if you can, ignore the bully and do not show that you are upset
  • if possible, avoid being alone in the places bullying happens
  • be assertive, if you can
  • walk away quickly and confidently, even if you do not feel that way inside
  • your safety is more important than your possessions. If you are in danger,
  • don’t hold on to them
  • if you are different in some way, be proud of who you are


  • listen to your friend and talk it through
  • be sensitive and understand their situation
  • avoid leaving them on their own
  • advise the person being bullied to talk to an adult
  • in serious cases speak directly to an adult yourself on behalf of your friend.


  • even if you don’t take part in bullying but see it and walk away, you are ignoring your responsibilities
  • report directly to an adult any bullying that you have observed
  • give sympathy and support to the person being bullied

Parents/Carers and Academic Staff

Raising awareness in staff and parents through

  • INSET sessions for teaching and non-teaching staff
  • discussion of issues arising in staff meetings
  • Presentation of policy in key areas of the school and on the server for reference

 Recognising the signs:

  • Someone who is being bullied may:
  • be frightened of getting on the school bus
  • insist on being driven to school
  • be unwilling to go to school
  • regularly have books or clothes damaged
  • have possessions ‘go missing’
  • continually ‘lose’ money
  • begin doing badly in schoolwork
  • have unexplained bruises, scratches, cuts
  • ask for money or begin stealing money
  • become withdrawn or start stammering
  • have noticeable and prolonged changes in mood
  • become distressed
  • become bad-tempered
  • refuse to say what is wrong
  • lose appetite, or start overeating
  • cry himself/herself to sleep or have nightmares
  • attempt or threaten to harm him/herself

 For Parents

Any of the behaviour above may indicate other problems. But, if you become aware

of and are concerned by any of this behaviour, and think your child is being bullied

  • encourage him/her to talk about the problem
  • reassure him/her of your support
  • listen calmly and not overreact
  • attempt to find out when and where the bullying takes place. Is there a pattern?
  • contact the class teacher to discuss the problem
  • work with the class teacher to support your child within or outside school
  • if the bullying takes place outside school, report the matter to the police

 For Staff

All members of staff, teaching and non-teaching, should deal with any incident of

suspected or observed bullying by

  • talking to the pupil and giving reassurance
  • taking action appropriate action using sanctions in line with the behaviour policy
  • in serious instances producing a written statement of what has happened and the

action taken reporting any serious or recurring incidents to their line manager on the SMT

 Serious or recurring bullying

The appropriate member of the SMT will do the following:

  • arrange for support and reassurance for the pupil being bullied
  • interview the person(s) accused of the bullying, always giving them an opportunity to explain their actions.
  • ensure that the appropriate disciplinary action is taken in line with the Behaviour Policy of the school.
  • contact parents/carers when necessary
  • work with pupils, parents/carers and other teachers to support those involved and prevent future instances of bullying


  • The bully (bullies) will apologise in a genuine manner
  • Wherever possible, the pupils will be reconciled
  • In serious cases, suspension or even exclusion will take place in line with the behaviour policy
  • After the incident / incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.

Rationale: The importance of child protection:

The school recognises its duty and responsibilities to protect and safeguard the interests of all children. It recognises that effective child protection work requires sound procedures, good inter-agency co-operation and a workforce that is competent and confident in responding to child protection situations.

The School employs a Discipline Co-Ordinator to monitor student behaviour and a Child Psychologist.

This policy document provides the basis for good practice within the school for child protection work. The procedures provide a framework to ensure that all practices in the area of child protection is consistent and that the school takes every reasonable measure to ensure every child is healthy and safe.

The school is committed to the following principles:

  • A child’s welfare is paramount. Each child has a right to be protected from harm and exploitation and to have their welfare safeguarded.
  • Each child is unique. Action taken by child welfare organisations should be child-centred, taking account of a child’s cultural, ethnic and religious background, their gender, their sexual orientation, their individual ability and any special needs.
  • Children, parents and other carers should be made aware of their responsibilities and their rights, together with advice about the power of professionals to intervene in their family circumstances.
  • Each child has a right to be consulted about actions taken by others on his/her behalf. The concerns of children and their families should be listened to and due consideration given to their understanding, wishes and feelings.
  • Individual family members must be involved in decisions affecting them. They must be treated with courtesy and respect and with due regard given to working with them in a spirit of partnership in safeguarding children’s welfare.
  • Open-mindedness and honesty must guide each stage of assessment and of operational practice. The strengths of individual family members, as well as their needs, should be given due consideration.
  • Personal information is usually confidential. It should only be shared with the permission of the individual concerned, or unless the disclosure of confidential personal information is necessary in order to protect a child. In all circumstances, information must be confined to those people directly involved in the professional network of each individual child and on a strict “need to know” basis.
  • Professionals should be aware of the effects of outside intervention upon children, upon family life and the impact and implications of what they say and do.
  • Explanations by professionals to children, their families and other carers should be plainly stated and jargon-free. Unavoidable technical and professional terminology should be explained in simple terms.
  • Sound professional practice is based upon positive inter-agency collaboration, evidence-based research and effective supervision and evaluation.
  • Early intervention in providing support services is an important principle of practice in inter-agency arrangements for safeguarding the welfare of children.

Staff recruitment

When recruiting new members of staff the following checks take place;

  • Employment history through CVs
  • Police checks are undertaken with original copies viewed
  • References are taken up and obtained and qualifications are verified


Newly appointed staff will have initial training in child protection as part of their induction programme.

Wherever possible all adults who come into prolonged contact with children will receive Child protection training

  • Understanding broad definitions of child abuse and neglect
  • Dealing appropriately with disclosures
  • Having an awareness of how a child’s race, culture, gender and ability inform an assessment of their needs
  • Knowing how to make a referral
  • Acting appropriately on suspicion/ knowledge that a child may be suffering harm
  • Understanding the Child Protection system and professional roles within it
  • Understanding how discrimination can impact on children and families
  • Understanding both victim and offender behaviour

Dealing with allegations of abuse 

Any allegations or suspicions of abuse must be referred immediately to the School Director who will initiate a case. A written record of concerns should be made using the schools internal recording forms.

The decision to refer a case to a Ministry of Education (Egypt) social worker is to be made by the School Director, in consultation with at least one member of the Board.

Rationale and Priciples:

As key stakeholders in the education of their children, parents have a right to voice any concerns they might have about their children’s education. It is the school’s duty and in its best interest to provide a channel for and be responsive to parents’ complaints.

Guiding principles

  • Parents naturally consider the education of their children of the utmost importance and so it is to be expected that parents will from time to time voice concerns about some aspect of the education provided by the school.
  • If parents’ concerns can be addressed promptly and with care, it will minimise any sense of anger or frustration.
  • Some concerns may be valid and justified and others may be beyond the scope of what the school can offer. The process of dealing with complaints must distinguish whether something can be done and then prompt action should be taken where it can and parental expectations should be managed where it can’t.
  • Whilst complaints will most likely come from parents, it shouldn’t be ruled out that they might come from pupils.


Establish Clear Channels and Procedures for Complaints

The first port of call for any concern parents might have regarding their child’s education must be through the homeroom/class teacher.

The first port of call for any concern regarding administrative matters must be through the head of HR.

Complaints about a teacher should be directed to a senior member of staff or to the School Director. Complaints about the School Director should be directed to the Board of Trustees.

Every reasonable effort should be made to ensure that parents are aware that these channels exist for queries or concerns.

A log will be kept of complaints and will be confidential.

It is the responsibility of the School Director and the SMT to ensure that the procedures for dealing with complaints are understood by all staff and that any complaints do not remain unresolved.


Guidelines for fielding complaints

It is good practice when dealing with a complaint or a concern to ensure the person feels they are being acknowledged, before taking any kind of action. Useful tips include:

  • If the complaint or concern is verbal, allow the person to speak without interruption.
  • Before responding in any way repeat back to the person their complaint or concern so that they are in no doubt that you have listened to and understood their concern.
  • Do not be afraid to ask questions and if need be take time to think about th compleaint before giving a response.


Complaints Procedure

Stage 1: Informal

Most complaints are easily resolved informally by discussion with staff at the school. More difficult or complex concerns may require further discussion or action.

Procedure for initial contact by office staff or a member of staff:

  • Listen to, and record, in writing the basic details of complaint. The complaint should be acknowledged within 2 working days and a target date for a response set: this should normally be within 5 working days of acknowledgement.
  • Decide upon the appropriate person to deal with the complaint.
  • Appropriate member of staff interviews complainant or makes telephone contact.
  • Complaint listened to and details recorded.
  • Collect enough evidence to make an objective decision about the complaint. (Speak to those involved, speak to witnesses and take written statements if required.)
  • Member of staff decides upon action to be taken.
  • Communicate with complainant and other affected parties.
  • If the matter remains unresolved then invite complainant to make formal complaint, in writing, to School Director.
  • Should the complaint be about the School Director, the complainant should approach to Chairman of the Board who is obliged to investigate it.

Stage 2: Formal

The School Director will carry out an investigation and respond to the complainant. The complaint will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt, and a target date for providing a response will be given. This will normally be within 10 working days. The School Director may request to meet with the complainant to gain further information relevant to the complaint. Statements from witnesses will be collected where necessary. When all the relevant facts have been established, the School Director should produce a written response to the complainant.

If the complaint is not resolved, the complainant will be given the option to move to Stage 3. The School Director should refer the complaint to the Board within 2 working days.

Stage 3: Board

The Board will meet to discuss the complaint and appoint a representative who will contact the complainant directly within 5 working days of the receipt of the complaint. The representative will aim to resolve the issue with the complainant in writing, in conversations or face-to-face.

Following this, if the complaint is not resolved, the complainant may request a hearing with the Board or a panel appointed by the Board of three people who have not been directly involved in the complaint.

The Board will endeavour to ensure that one of the people appointed to the panel is independent of the running and management of the school.

The complainant is entitled to be accompanied to the hearing. The hearing will be scheduled at the earliest possible convenience for both parties.

A final decision will be made and communicated to the complainant in writing, within 5 working days of the hearing.

Recording Complaints

An informal complaint is recorded by the senior member of staff who deals with the complaint and the School Director is informed.

A formal complaint is recorded by the School Director.

All complaints will be kept on file in the complaint log for reference purposes.