Grade 3 to Grade 6:

KS2 is comprised of grades 3 – 6. The Upper Primary curriculum is an extension of that in KS1 and follows the Cambridge International Primary Programme. CIPP prepares students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. English, Maths and Science are taught in accordance with the CIPP framework from grade 3. KS2 foundation subjects follow international frameworks, where Art, humanities, music, PE, ICT and drama are taught in accordance with the UK National Curriculum. In addition to our core and foundation subjects, students in KS2 further expand their language proficiency skills by studying French as a second language and a comprehensive Arabic curriculum which is in accordance with the Egyptian Ministry of Education requirements.


Core, non-core, ministry and second language objectives are delivered through authentic learning activities, where collaborative, hands-on and inquiry based teaching strategies dominate the environment our students learn in. The Cambridge Primary programme provides subject content, planning and resource guides, guidance for curriculum implementation and development, plus support for classroom teaching and student learning. CIPP is a programme which has been developed with consistent standards that are externally benchmarked across thousands of students, and it enables reliable structured reporting to parents about the performance of their children. Cambridge provides tests for use at the end of the primary programme (end of grade 6), to ensure that students have been accurately assessed before they transition onto the next learning stage (KS3), and to enable educators to further plan according to individual learning needs based on test results.

Social and Emotional Well-being:

The academic curriculum is only one part of our school and our primary focus is always upon the needs and happiness of each individual child, with an emphasis on supporting our students throughout all areas of their social and emotional development. We strongly believe that school years should be the most enjoyable phase of everyone’s life and we are committed to ensuring that is true for all our students. This means education is delivered according to the abilities, background and the potential of each individual. Differentiation is a key factor in each class, whereby each student is set high achievable expectations, that are motivationally challenging, yet relative to their own potential.

Character Building:

Character building frameworks and on-going initiatives derive from the school’s mission and reflect that characteristics we aim to instill in our students. Students in KS2 are expected to have high standards in morals and values, with a balanced and positive outlook on life, which we encourage by using positive behaviour management, with an emphasis on character building. Through structured schemes of work, we aim to develop a strong generation of critical thinkers that are challenged to want to know more about the world we live in. Our students are guided to value and practice the concept ‘internationalism’, while also maintaining a sense of pride and appreciation for one’s own country, so as to be able to one day contribute to society with all their gained knowledge as ideal citizens.

House System:

This system is a traditional feature of schools in the English-speaking world, particularly in Commonwealth countries, originating in England. The school is divided into subunits called ‘Houses’ and each student/ class is allocated to one House. We have 4 Houses in Kipling represented by:

House 1: Earth: Colour Green

House 2: Water: Colour Blue

House 3: Fire: Colour Red

House 4: Air: Colour White

The House system creates productive challenges, promotes good work, fosters positive behaviour and encourages teamwork. It also provides opportunities for students to take on responsibilities and brings everyone in the school together.