Chairman of the Board

Mr. Gamal Moharam

Chairing an entity as great as CSDI is a challenge which I take with pride, and a responsibility which I strive to uphold with efficiency. As Chairman of the Board, my role is to ensure that Smart Village Schools and Smart Kids continue to thrive and prosper by overseeing the implementation and acquisition of strategic of plans that are required for such an entity.

Our organisation consists of a team of diligent employees that work within their departmental areas with proficiency, so as to ensure that our vision is prominent throughout Smart Village Schools, and where our vision is evident in the eyes of our learners and through the goals which they achieve.

As an entity, our expectations are high and we believe that such high expectations should be made possible in a continuously evolving academic environment, where needs are met and aims are meticulously implemented.

All those that are entrusted with the successful development of CSDI and its schools, share one vision and one aim, and it is my role to safeguard the future of our schools and its children.


Vice Chairman of the Board

Mr. Tarek Malash

As Vice Chairman of the Board, it is my role is to ensure that Smart Village Schools and Smart Kids continue to thrive and prosper by overseeing the implementation and acquisition of strategic of plans that are required for such an entity.

As an active member of the community, I value the importance of efficient funding, and effective strategic planning, and understand that both elements go hand in hand and are vital so as to ensure success and the continuous and progressive development of CSDI.

There is no greater privilege than that which involves contributing to future success of our children, whereby I am not only facilitating the expansion of an entity, but I am also partaking in the expansion of minds, hopes and ambitions of a future generation of ideal citizens.

It is an honour to be a part of the CSDI Board of Trustees and to work with such a grand team, chaired by Mr Gamal Moharam and alongside the BOT Executive Director, Mrs Afaf Awad


School Pioneer

Mme. Afaf Awad

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the Smart Village Schools. The field of Education has always been a passion of mine, and I am committed to the role of nurturing and preparing my students for any challenges that are to be met in the future, both educationally and psychologically.

CSDI was founded in 2005 as a non-profitable organisation with the aim of establishing the finest standard of British and French education. Our schools respect Egyptian heritage and value internationalism. We offer an education that is delivered in a technology-oriented setting, with a focus on understanding our learners and their needs.

It is the quality of staff and our view on education which derives from the notion of mutual respect, trust, integrity and honesty, that make Smart Village Schools a strong and prosperous entity.

Throughout the year, our schools open their doors to prospective parents, where we invite members of our community to come and to see for themselves what makes Smart Village Schools the right choice for their children.

We are a team of dedicated educators and diligent management, with a vision and unified goal, which is to ensure that our children receive an ideal education which will later in life enable them to become active members of society and positive leaders in their community.